On The Road to Maui # 16
Last Saturday I decided to part with my old writing friend
who has accompanied my first thoughts in the morning as I tackle the
playing field of keys. My friend has been the inspiration of many a
good conversation , blog,column and the catalyst for many new
relationships in my small world. He accompanied me when I first left
Ireland to move to London England. Since then he has helped me in
Canada, Amsterdam, and the USA where we traveled many of her great
states where I loved to drive my Toyota Dolphin RV or ride my old
BMW motorcycle endlessly.
Writing today with out him is a struggle,its like discovering a
whole new person or moving to another culture where I don’t speak
the language,I feel lost...Help God Please!!!!

Last Sunday Cynthia and I went on a hike with Our Friend
John who is a professional Trail Guide here on Maui.......
John has been leading hikes these past 30 years and knows the
deepest parts of this fair isle that have rarely heard the footfall
of a tourist or even a local for that mater.

John is an explorer of not just the island but has gone deep
inside himself to release his true self. When you follow him or more
to the point as you walk along side him he describes every
plant,tree,flower,insect,animal , what you can eat or what will give
you a heli ride to the ER! In Short Jungle John is some one who I
highly recommend for a private tour, he recently guided English
Royalty and that says a lot.
Well `we all met at Haiku community center. Also on Cynthia’s
first Maui Hike were
Bonita and Eleanor two life long friends of
John, they share the same passion for nature and life as John- so we
were in great company. But alas my life long friend was not with
me,it had been nagging me all morning, I did not know if I was
emotionally ready to tackle this adventure into the jungle of Maui
with out him.

We drove to mile marker 23 on the Hana road parked grabbed our
packs and headed up the long winding trail. Along the way John would
stop and show Cynthia various plants and trees. When we came to the
first waterfall he Guided her down the rocky slope. We all went for a
dip in the pool and swam the 75 odd yards to the Falls and had the
best back massage you can imagine as we backed in under the
thundering cascade,it was a blast. Then we headed to the next one a
mile or so up the trail. Along the way we saw some of the most
spectacular breath taking scenery and views , Maui is an incredible
island and if you liked JJ Abrahams series “LOST” you will love
Johns tours with the only exception there is no Hatch... Hahaha.
I will let the pictures speak for themselves because without my
friend I can not find the right words or flow to describe it all. I
will say this Cynthia had an amazing day and is even more in love
with Maui!!!

Thank You Jungle John , Bonita and Eleanor for a wonderful day and
we know its just the beginning!!!
I would like to close with a few words of tribute to my former
life long friend.
Juan! you have been a great and worthy companion , your Dark brown
liquid sunshine flowed tenderly through my body warming many a cold
morning . Cynthia`s country Argentina has sung you praises for years
as with all of North America, may you live long and prosper in a true
Organic state.
Here`s to you “Juan Valdez.”..Salut!!!!

Yup, I gave up Coffee!!!!
Cheers Thanks for reading Michael and Cynthia :0)
Ps : the Headaches are Gone Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!
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