Today has to be about the loneliest day I have had in years. Not lonely for Human contact ,but lonely deep inside my soul. Its as though God has drawn us out here to Maui to be totally alone with him. Honestly right now no human contact would fill this void. I have been in many places, walked away from perfectly stable situations to follow Gods leading, preached on city streets ,seen people come to Jesus,get healed, the list is endless. But never have I felt as lonely as I do today, I`m not a needy person,I love my own company and yes I do love and like myself most of the time hahaha :0)

This all started as many of you know last Feb 11 when I flew out here on a one way ticket with a back pack and a prayer. That trip lasted 67 days and God provided for me every step of the way. My purpose back then was to see if the island and God wanted me here. In Short as you all know who read my 30 odd blogs Maui opened its arms to me. I even had two close friends from Oregon fly out to see me and give me a free weeks vacation in their time share, all my needs were truly met. Then one day I knew it was time to fly back home to Cynthia and my son JAQ in Portland. When the plane took of on my return home God even provided free food, drink and a movie viewer- on the way out it was Champagne from first class etc served to me by the head stewardess who was from my old Home town neighborhood of Cork city Ireland. As I flew home I really did not know if I was going to return.
I spent the next 6 to 8 weeks in Oregon selling everything . Did God give me a clear sign that I was to sell up and move to maui ? no, Cynthia knew she had a desire to go and knew God was leading us that way. Personally I just knew it was the next step and so here we is !

I know I will surrender my all to him after all there is no other way.

Thanks for spending time with me!!!
Cheers Michael :0)
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