On The Road to Maui # 14
Tuesday oct 8 we are at Maui coffee rosters in Kahalui.............

Living of the grid is something I have always desired to do. We have slowly been moving towards this the last 3 years . Actually I quit watching TV about 12 years ago ,amazing my headaches went south to the Antarctic and may they never return. Down there some day some poor soul will uncover a time capsule full of my past annoying advertising buy it now this will change your life / make you happy headaches.

On a totally different note just went over to the Facebook village and low and behold the first picture I see is my Sister Niamh on a desert adventure in Dubai. Niamh was my hero , friend growing up back in Ireland. Niamh being the elder Lemon had to take the brunt of all our family issues. It is always hardest being the first lady :0)
I truly believe it was training for the woman she is today. Niamh has her on business....
Niamh Quinlan - Travel Counsellors
"The best way to describe Niamh is …...If the ship was going down she would be the last one off. When she sets her mind to a new venture she follows through, quit is not in her nature. Thanks for being there for me Niamh !!! Cynthia has many of your amazing qualities" :0)
Ok, Back to living of the grid, the best thing about being the writer is you direct the course of the Pen-Ship!!!

The other morning while sitting on the out-shed pot, (yes! its like little house on the Prairie) I had the sudden Revelation!! of where 'Sir William Gerald Golding' got the inspiration for his famous book “Lord Of The Flies”...... after a while they don’t bother you.

Then there are the 40 odd goats that mow the surrounding grass, yes they do smell like goats cheese which makes it bearable as I like good cheese.

“ Whatever turns you on mate”
“Goats Cheese” I replied and its followed by Bonaparte s retreat!!!

“ Doctor Quinlan I presume”
Will find Jimmy Hoffa`s resting place :0)
Cheers ,Aloha
Michael and Cynthia :0)
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