Road to Maui # 6
We are still in Sandeigo or a suburb off. We are staying with
Cynthia`s life long friend Susan and her husband Steve and their two
amazing Daughters Daniele and Noel. We arrived here two days ago
after dropping my motorcycle at Pasha the shipping company. We met a
fellow biker Called “Skeeter” who was shipping his Harley to
Kauai,we gave him a lift to the airport.
Leo and my son JAQ are good friends they both hit it of at our wedding like long lost comrades in Arms.
They went all out for us opening up their home to this weary couple including great cooking and Its-Its!!!!!!. :0)
Nick and Leo have a Band Called “Castle Pines”...they are
incredibly talented Musicians / song writers with a unique sound of
their own. It will not be long before the world knows the sound of
Castles Pines coming over Sirrus sat radio and beyond.
and also on the cloud
I,m Proud to know these guys... Behind ,walking alongside this
Band are Lisa, Eli and Madey . They are the true backbone of these
multiform talented Men!!!!!
Long live Castle Pines!!!! :0)
We left Corona around 11:30 am and had a speedy uninterrupted race
down the I-15 . It was day 5 for me riding in CA so I was used to the
speed freaks although honestly don’t think I would like to have to
do this everyday as many here do. Riddlen sales must be high down here !
After dropping the Bike we headed for the Beach at Coronado and
accidentally drove onto the Naval Base. Hey we were just following
the traffic. Some time later after surrendering our ID`s and pulling
of to a waiting area we were given instructions on how to leave.
Moments later we found the “Hotel Coronado “ on the beach a remarkable structer built in 1888 and the site of many movies eg “Peter
O toole`s Pygmalion” and “Jack Lemons “ Some Like it Hot”
with Marilyn Monroe.
We went in to use the toilet hahaha and got some great pictures
and then we ate some great Fish Taco`s at a local and hit the Beach
to watch the sun go down and some great Naval pilots practice.
Oh, My sons JAQ and Casey`s Grandfather was a LT Commander during
WW2 on this Naval Base we are all proud of the late "Stan Droski" who
served his country with honors as so many did back then!!!! Also
earlier got to view some Huge Aircraft carriers and a tall sailing
ship “The Star of India”
Then we drove over to Steve and Susans to spend the next 3 nights
before our flight Home to Maui!!!
Funny I have tears in my eyes as I wrote that...said it to Cynthia for the first time yesterday am.
been a long road since I left the shores of Ireland many years ago
and if I know our God its far from over..
Aloha to you all and thank
you for all your Prayers and Mental support
Later Michael and Cynthia ;0)
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