On The Road To Maui # 8

Good morning its september 23 my son Jaq`s Birthday. On This day
1988 he came screaming into the world full throttle no holes barred.
Jaq now lives and goes to Collage in Portland Oregon. He served 3
years in the Army 1st Armour-ed division Fort Bliss and South Korea
and he is also a great Comedian although he wont let me know where he
does his stand-up act for obvious reasons LOL... I'm very proud to be
his father and wish him well in his next 200 years...All my love to
you on this Day Jaq :0)
Meanwhile back on the island; we have moved from the beach to an
Indian Tee-Pee for the next week or so. Will not give the location as
I wish to protect the owners privacy. All I will tell you is they are
a true north American Indian and its a honor to stay here.

We are surrounded by beautiful quiet scenery and about 46 goats
and sheep, with a great view of the Ocean and the west Maui mountains
behind us. Last night we slept outside in a Cabana as the Tee-pee was
too hot. This morning I,m sitting in front of my Wig-Wam as we called
then in Ireland ( Wig -Wam ...Tee-Pee????? No Idea just got to love
the Irish creativity!!!!)
Honestly, I would personally love to build my own tee-pee in the
neighborhood but Cynthia wants a kitchen, sink and shower with
windows and not just in the shower. I mean come on you think I'm
Irish or something? Hey! I'm just writing this as it comes out and
with no coffee I might add. Sort of like writing in serous head pain
. The coffee jar is empty and Cynthia is still asleep, no she is not
the coffee gaffer I just figure I will learn how to write under
extreme stress and mental, psychotic discomfort so don’t send me
any nasty smoke signals! I know where y`all live!!! Besides if the
Chinese ever came knocking and took away our coffee I would be well
prepared :-)

On another note... Our Car arrives on Thursday morning and My bike
can be picked up later that same day... Khayyam!!!! My Kingdom mount
will soon taste salt air and its all aluminum and stainless steel!!!
I wont say its been easy with the two of us using the Virago, my
friend Andy loaned us but Cynthia loves riding on the back and now
has a desire to get a scooter...hmmm! You get very creative when your
only transportation is a two wheeled one. One up is ok as you can use
extra saddle bags and strap the fatted calf to the tank, but two is a
differnet matter. Although, when you look at India or Vietnam, they
take everything but the kitchen sink on their scooters; and pick up
the road kill fatted calf on the way. Ok, Its great having only two
on the bike hahaha. No It really has been a blessing and We are
extremely thankful.

Two nights ago we were invited to my friend, Israel Aunts house In
Kula for a going away celebration. Israels cousin Ciara is going to
Join YWAM ( Youth With A Mission ) for a period of time. It was
Cynthia`s first time meeting Israels extended family. There were
about 30 + Hawaiians and they waited until we arrived before they
ate. It was like we were always family. I love the Hawaiian aloha
spirit. We had a great time. This island is all about people not
Money. Honestly as much as it was Ciara's going away party it was
just like a welcome to the Island party for US:-)...it was an
incredible night, the only thing missing was a pig and it would have
been a Luau!!!!!!
Ok Gone over my limit here!!...so love you all and thanks for
reading and for your prayers and support!!!!
Aloha Michael and Cynthia :0)
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