Last night sat down with some friends
to watch the popular TV series Lost from the very beginning. Yes Just
about everybody and his Mother have experienced this great show
created by “JJ Abrahams”.

Do we have a big home,lots of money, expensive attire not on your life. Those of you who have followed my blogs from the beginning know we are just like the vast majority of humanity one pay check away from the street ,of course in our case its the beach :0)

Did we have doubts and play the what if game, Yup and I think I won brouhaha. When I look back though it all I just kept thinking trust God, don’t stop to think myself into a corner and keep moving forward. After all that is what blind faith is about -to me anyway.
Fear is spelled False
Real.... it paralyzes people and robs
them of true joy in life. I can Honestly say my worst fears have never come true..I believe
I have learned to handle it and operate in it without loosing my
head. Of course thats my opinion Cynthia might tell you different :0)
Within the next couple of weeks we will be moving from our North american Indian Hosts Maui reservation about a mile down the road to a close friends home . I wish to keep them anonymous to respect their privacy. Lets just put it this way they don’t have a hundred plus roosters.
Actually I believe the number has risen past 150. We are pray for our friends sake that they will all be removed soon. We have learned what the true meaning of living of the grid is and it is all thanks to our More Than Generous Host Mary Burcham !who has put up with us for 100 plus days, of course there is some Irish in her Indian blood that was a big help!

Cheers Love to you all!
Michael xoxox :0)
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