Friday, December 12, 2014
Beach Bums Guide to Maui by Michael J Quinlan: No Man Is An Island..But the Island can make or Br...
Beach Bums Guide to Maui by Michael J Quinlan: No Man Is An Island..But the Island can make or Br...: This island is truly the death of me. .. The other day I turned to Cynthia, when she came home from work and said; “ Hi my name is Mic...
Thursday, December 11, 2014
No Man Is An Island..But the Island can make or Break the man :)
The other day I turned to Cynthia, when
she came home from work and said;
“ Hi my name is Michael and I suffer
from depression ... a matter of fact I have suffered from depression
all of my life”.
I think it is very interesting how God
has healed me of so many things like loneliness, that had plagued me
all my life as well as various fears from my childhood, yet my
depression continues to be a daily battle. Those people that go
around proclaiming that Christianity is all joy and prosperity need a
serious chill pill, then they need to come out of the closet by
telling the truth of how they really feel. Don't get me wrong, I
have had some amazing times as a Christian but not because I dumped a
load of hard earned money on some TV preachers lap who was already
swimming in green acres.

Some days I don't want to get out of
bed, but I do, Cynthia needs her coffee :). I can pray for others
and see Jesus set them free from illness and a whole variety of other
things, yet for some reason this hound dog of depression still
follows my scent. Oh how I wish somebody else would blow a horn he
could harken to and pound after.

And yet here I am; living in paradise
with the perfect climate and an incredible soul mate, who puts up
with me. To me that's the greatest example of Gods love to someone
like me, giving me someone who loves me unconditionally. Cynthia
deserves the Victoria Cross and the Purple heart.
I'm not looking for sympathy, just
having a rant and hopefully someone who thinks that christians have
it easy, will realize that we go through the same crap; with the
difference that we have hope in Jesus. Any guy that will go through
the most severe torture of suffocation on a cross for an Irish guy
like me, is sure worthy of me standing up and paying attention!
In The words of Robin Williams
“Merry friggin Christmas!”
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

CLARKS Wave Sandal The Best :)
Good colgate morning its september 23 my son Jaq`s Birthday. On This day 1988 he came screaming into the world full throttle no holes barred. Jaq now lives and goes to Collage in Portland Oregon. He served 3 years in the Army 1st Armour-ed division Fort Bliss and South Korea and he is also a great Comedian although he wont let me know where he does his stand-up act for obvious reasons LOL... I'm very proud to be his father and wish him well in his next 200 years...All my love to you on this Day Jaq :0)

On this day sept 1916 - World War I: Manfred Von Richthofen [The Red Baron], a flying ace of the German Luftstreitkräfte, wins his first aerial combat near Cambrai, France.
The first whaling ship sails into Hawaii in 1819 not a good thing for the whales.
In1850 - Great fire in San Francisco began.
Finaly in 2014 Michael and Cynthia Cagnoni Quinlan officially celebrated one year on on the island of Maui.
Yes, a year fly's by seems like only yesterday we came here for our first

I realized that my island fever that had plagued me for so long was finally draining away.
resolved in my mind that this weekend was going to be special or us
both ,Cynthia especially, God only knows how much Island fever grief I
have put her through. She deserves a Platinum medal for unconditional
love and I deserve the Grey Cloud of Eeyore for the Ass that fought
Truth be-told this island has been the death of the old me and boy did I fight it as many of you have of read in my blogs,but then thats real life not like the land of Bleached teeth with perfect smiles and artificial bodies where everybody's Happy and Prozac goes Cha-Ching!
Truth be-told this island has been the death of the old me and boy did I fight it as many of you have of read in my blogs,but then thats real life not like the land of Bleached teeth with perfect smiles and artificial bodies where everybody's Happy and Prozac goes Cha-Ching!

Clarks shoes USA Wave Sandal Best in the World :)

Back on the Mainland my Great friend David Jorgenson married his sweet heart Julie Cramer may they have a wonderful life together filled with true blessings!!!

to you all Michael and Cynthia :0)
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Beach Bums Guide to Maui by Michael J Quinlan: Living in The Cloud :)
Beach Bums Guide to Maui by Michael J Quinlan: Living in The Cloud :): Have you ever stood at the edge of a cliff wondering should I jump risk it all or simply remain on what I think is solid ground ? Li...
Living in The Cloud :)
Have you ever stood at the edge of a
cliff wondering should I jump risk it all or simply remain on what I
think is solid ground ?
Life can throw some interesting
challenges our way, we can either embrace them or curl up in a
comfortable familiar corner of false security.
Truth is nothing is forever or for that
mater really secure, fear will paralyze the best of us.

We have all be given amazing talents
and absolutely none of us were made by accident...That being said let
me take you on a flight out over the south Pacific to my new home
town of Napili on Maui Hawaii. Its a grand and beautiful tropical
island with lush green jungles producing all manner of fruits. The
white sandy beaches that line the warm coral marine filled Pacific
are some of the best hot spots on the globe.
My beautiful Argentinian wife Cynthia
wanted to come out here over 4 years ago on vacation to be honest I
was not so in favor. But I bit my lip as she worked so hard at her
incredibly stressful job and truth be told this was her hearts
who accompanied “Phileas Fogg” around the world in 80 days I took
flight with Cynthia on her Hawain adventure
Most of you know the rest of the story
and here we are in Paradise and I,m seriously struggling with island
fever....Its been a hard challenge for me and one that will not end
Now I like the rest of the so called
“Happy People” could crawl down to the local witch doctor get
a vial full of anti- Happy drugs and run around like an excited
Gerbil in never never land, but alas I would rather face the Tiger
straight on than stand there with all the other droids singing ..
“We all live in a Yellow submarine”
Finlay found out what that song was all
about :)
It is wonderful to see Cynthia florishing at her New Career, she is loved and respected I,m truly, truly happy for her.
She has had a hard time these past 9
odd years with various Thankless corporate employers who have a bad
case of self gratifying tunnel vision for the
bottom line and
totally miss the hearts and souls of loyal employee`s after all that
is why humans were wonderfuly created.
We thrive when we encourage each other.
In truth that is one of the many reasons why I became
self-employed..I do not miss that world it is after all a false
world. I do not want to be known for building an Empire on sand when
I depart this world, but as a man who truly understood unconditional
love and if I can grasp that in all its great depths then I will be
glorious wealthy beyond my wildest dreams , that to me is true living
. When I meet Jesus at the end of my time I want to say I had a great
run and those talents you gave me are all used up !!
Mean while I will embrace this cloud
for all its worth because I know I will be a better man for it..Good
title for a novel
“My Death in Paradise”
by a reluctant kicking screaming Irish
Bloody Mick
Hey could work....the truth hurts but
it truly dose put you on the road to freedom!!!!
Cheers my far mainland and global
Your sympathy I do not not desire, but
your love and friendship that truly dose fuel my fire!!!
Michael :0)
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Maui our home :0)
Well it was the best of times it was
the worst of times and no I did not come up with those words.
Would I do it all again if I had the
Yes, rough spots and all. After all we
only have one life to live and if we had looked at the giants in the
land we would never have left the front door.
Living of the grid makes you appreciate
the simple things in life , like flushing a toilet or making coffee
or running water. It also challenges your metal.
I went through times of depression , times of nothingness and island fever.
Island fever has been the hardest on me as I
love and miss those wide open spaces
of the USA with motorcycle rides for days.I went through times of depression , times of nothingness and island fever.
Island fever has been the hardest on me as I
But like every other challenge life and god throws at me I will get through as some one once said
“ This too shall Pass”
I,m sitting at a glass table outside
listening to the warm wind blow through the various fruit and palm
trees accompanied by the morning songs of the island bird life. The
sun is out as usual , for the first time in weeks I,m relaxed enough
to write a new blog. Maybe I should have scribbled something down
back them, but I did not and there you have it.
Cheers to you all...sorry its not a great update...but I,m slowly getting back into the swing of writing again
Michael :0)
Michael :0)
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Death In Paradise :0(
In Paradise :0(

It reminds me so much of the opening sequences of Hawaii-five -O back in my seventies school days and yes on some evenings we have seen the five man shilotes of outriggers against the back drop of a Maui Sunset.

We arrived at our popular destination 45 mins later and as the luck of the Irish would have it ( Gods Irish didn`t you know ) got a parking spot within yards of the white sandy palm tree lined cove.
Kapuala cove has some of the best snorkeling on Maui. Its sheltered from the deep pacific by two rocky pininsalas jutting out to sea. It is a tropical marine paradise,
I,m continley amazed at the variety of Picasso style colored Fish we encounter each time we frequent its warm waters. Oh yes and lets not forget the many large turtles that live and feed among the multiply colored spectacular coral reef.
Talking of Turtles Cynthia had just
come in from a swim and called to me to come see a turtle that was
feeding on the shore line. I grabbed my snorkel equipment and joined
her. That was when we heard a man yell “call 911” our first
instinct was to look for a shark victim but then we saw an elderly
man being pulled out of the water on to the beach.
We both kicked into gear, seconds later I was kneeling beside him and between my self and 3 others we administered CPR , Cynthia handled crowd control in particular keeping young children away for obvious reasons. All those years of CPR class`s among the 4 of us kicked in, nobody panicked, we rotated with chest compressions and rescue breaths the guy next to me was a CPR instructor on vacation, there was also a young Girl who had just completed her CPR
We both kicked into gear, seconds later I was kneeling beside him and between my self and 3 others we administered CPR , Cynthia handled crowd control in particular keeping young children away for obvious reasons. All those years of CPR class`s among the 4 of us kicked in, nobody panicked, we rotated with chest compressions and rescue breaths the guy next to me was a CPR instructor on vacation, there was also a young Girl who had just completed her CPR
training and a resort Employee who fetched a de defibrillator and acted like the pro he was. It was amazing team work. Then the paramedics arrived within six minutes and took over from us, they were incredibly professional.

Charles was somebodies Father Husband
and friend, May you rest in Peace Brother.
Afterwards I went for a long snorkel to
let my emotions out in a silent scream / cry underwater and then
Cynthia and I met a women from Ireland vacationing on Maui we talked
till the Sun went down we needed the welcome distraction.
We never know the day or the hour....
Aloha Michael and Cynthia :0)
Spaniard inn kinsale Ireland
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
On Maui :0)

Truth be told if it was to
be measured in Maui time I personally have logged 8808.5 Hours to
date with Cynthia coming in at 7200.5 ...Thats a lot of time when you
think about it in our short life spans.

The words from the famous football song “you will never walk alone” come to mind but I think that was for lonely Horace in Boise Idaho walking home on fifth street serenading his dog Bingo on the other side of midnight.
I,m sitting outside Lahina public Library on my beach chair looking a cross the water to the Island of Lanai. Its a hot early morning but I have the canopy of a large tree with a cool breeze flowing in from lanai`s direction, I`m still except for the clatter of the keys as I take my thoughts for a stroll across the key board of my good friend Mac!

When we first met he was in ten feet of water in a coral cave I had followed him in and then went topsides to watch. After about ten minutes of waiting patiently, he waved his flipper at me and swam up to meet me. It was an awesome moment,total trust.
No I did not touch him thats illegal out here,big fine. But lets put it this way our eyes met at bout 6 inches and I pulled away as by his time I was surrounded by other snorkelers. Then began a game of dive and surface among the coral and shoals of colorful fish for about 15 mins , nobody else came any closer. I like them on my first experience with turtles kept a safe distance, after all they are Tiger sharks favorite Quiz zine.

Love to you all
Michael :0)
Friday, May 9, 2014
Stripped Naked On Maui ?
Stripped Naked On Maui ?
A very famous man once said
“It is much easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom
of Heaven”
Basicly when Harlod the Camel wanted to
enter the City he had to go through the needle which was a tall
narrow entrance and so to pass in he had to unload his baggage and
reload inside the city.
Well truth be told right now I feel
very much like the camel, am I a rich merchant? Nope
But this island is a place where you
slow down to a crawl that you begin to see yourself for who you
really are and how much unnecessary baggage has been holding you back
or weighing you down.
The term you can run but you can`t hide
comes to mind , even the motorcycle is no good for a long distance
escape into the sunset and as I,m not a long distance swimmer I have
no choice but to sit on the beach to face the musical sunset.
In short I am being stripped naked by
God almighty and like the Verizon add he is saying clearly
“ Can you hear me now Mick”
“ Sorry mate the NSA gave you a wrong
number try the WhiteHouse DC”
That is why I have not written any
blogs in a while, the last one was a poem I wrote some years back and
just posted it to keep some sort of flow going, but truth is I have
had zero desire or inspiration to write. Yes I,m surrounded by a
world of wonderful paradise filled sparks but for the moment its up
to some other wandering traveler to fan the flame.
I,m not depressed just being undressed
by my creator, I did not see this coming and If I had known I might
have sped out on my iron steed across the wild-west on an Irish goose
For the first time in my life I have no
plan or clue whats coming and so I have decided to embrace this time
and be completely vulnerable in Gods hands.
Anyway......... at back of said school
in the “no fly zone” two Thugs were waiting, my friend escaped
but alas I was not so fortunate. The first thug held me against a
telephone pole while thug #2 proclaimed he was going to get his chain
saw and cut my head off.

“What in the Hell were you thinking?”
Love you All Michael Oxoxox
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