Thursday, May 28, 2015

Maui Trekkers is closing up shop, but Jungle John is for Hire :)

     Maui Trekkers is no more or at least Jungle John has decided to call it a day after a good run and close up shop.
As most of you know I met John while on my own Maui discovery trip 3 years back. Boy time fly's .John has been and still is a good friend . Now John himself is not going out to sit on the ice , jump into the tar pit or float out to sea on a burning viking ship at sunset. No, he is just closing his Website Maui Trekkers and concentrating on Personal guided tours into Maui`s deep Jungles.

        I recently picked up a hitch hiker on my way from Makawao to Paia one afternoon and Johns name came up in conversation . The hitch hiker knew Jungle John well and was found of him, he paused while thinking of John then said

                                                       “ John is like a child”

         I knew exactly what he meant, it takes a child like mind to appreciate all God has blessed us with on this amazing earth, after all it was Jesus who said to his immature adult followers unless you have child like faith you can not see or enter the kingdom.

John has that mature child like approach to nature with all of the glorious splendors it has to offer those that wish to play on its lush Organic Waterfall Cascading Peter Pan World.
Those of us that truly enjoyed the long running island series “Lost” that was filmed in the Hawaiian islands can expect to have our own unique jungle experience as we hire or follow Jungle John into his secret world.

John recently took some English Royalty on a private tour and they were thrilled to have JJ as a guide.

He has over 30 years of hiking experience here on Maui, if he lived in Tibet you can bet he would be a guide to the pinnacle of everest and drink yak milk, eat goats eyes, yea right !good luck with that I prefer Potatoes and Guinness .

All those that are visiting Maui and wish to have a unique personal experience in her Jungles please Give Him a call


He will be more than happy to lead you into your Shang-ra-la                     experience

Aloha Mike Q

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Current Events and Beyond :)

        Well, folks yes it has been along time since I tapped the keys of my trusty Mac and updated our situation on Maui. A lot has happened in the last few months.

Ok, I will dive right in.

         Cynthia declared to me one evening as we were driving home from the lahiana Boys and Girls club where she worked as a program director that she was ready to manage / direct her own club.
         So we both asked God to give her a club as we knew it was time and she was so so so ready. In the last 14 or so months since she has been employed by The B@G she has been well trained by Danae of the Lahina Club or more to the point groomed as they love her on this island.
About a week later we she heard that a club upcountry needed a new Director.

        Cynthia applied , after 2 very successful interviews she was appointed director of the Makawao boys and Girls Club. As I write she is now finishing her third week as CEO as that is what they call her at head office. I,m very proud of her. When she puts her mind to something she follows through and brings her dream home.

So currently we are driving back and forth 45 miles each way. Dose not seem like a big trip, but on an island with no freeways and the average speed is 45 complete with tourist, locals and surfers ,it sure dose make for a long day. Reminds me of my school bus driving days about 12 hour day.
Our Lease will be up in July so we are on the hunt for anew abode near Cynthia`s club.

         Mean while I have been scouting the area which boasts an amazing championship surf beach along with many larger beaches and miles of tropical jungle flowing with hundreds of waterfalls and cool dipping pools the area is nothing short of heaven, now if we can just find the right home, please God ???

          During this transition I/ we were blessed to have two people who were amazing mentors to me back in my days in London England 30 years ago come for a 7 day visit.

       Warwick and June Murphy from the great land down under ( Australia to those of you that think America is the only country in the world ) ran a pretty darned cool rehab / halfway / home for misguided Irishmen in Clapham common.

They were and still are involved with Youth With a Mission and Warwick is Currently running Issac Australia 
  an outreach to troubled people. Warwick and June have been working with the down and out of this world most of their lives.

        They have been a major influence in this Irishman's life. I spent many days showing them the sites and sounds of our Island home. It was an Honor, they have passed from mentors to close friends and I truly believe this trip will be the Catalyst for many more visits

         When I dropped them at the airport it was more of a to be continued than goodbye and here I will end my little update with a TO BE CONTINUED as the beach and a good nap in the sun are calling my name...

Aloha Mike and Cynthia :)